Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Homeade Babyshowerideas

Chemtrails activity

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rom Pokemon For Iphone Cydia

2011 Famine, food shortage: the roles of Goldman Sachs and HAARP

In the Euromed Famine: Behold the Black Rider of Goldman Sachs, and Pale Rider of the Apocalypse translated below is herringbone as the artificial increase of food prices , caused by speculations of the Zionists / Jesuits / Knights of Malta (with a key role Goldman Sachs), combined with a decreased food production due to frost, drought and floods, possibly due to structures of weather modification as HAARP, has several purposes:
- Riots ; n
and North African countries la fame ha  contribuito sicuramente a dare carburante per le rivolte finanziate dalla CIA, facendo aumentare tra la popolazione il senso di rabbia e ingiustizia; e sappiamo che molta gente si ribella solo quando lo stomaco morde.
- Depopolazione ; ormai da decenni sappiamo che l'elite sponsorizza e mette in pratica programmi di depopolazione globale, al fine di eliminare i "mangiatori inutili", ovvero la popolazione "in eccesso" che potrebbe essere d'intralcio ai programmi dell'elite, accaparrandosi risorse che invece devono restare nelle mani dell'elite itself. The official explanation says that because of food shortages there will be a Malthusian die-off of the population. For detailed analysis we know that the food shortage is purely artificial, and due to the factors explained in the article. Population control is justified to the public as program that should serve to reduce the greenhouse effect caused by CO2 , but we know how the greenhouse effect is a colossal hoax .
- World Government, to reach the final goal of Puppet is necessary to trigger a series of crises of a global nature, that is a world disorder, and then give birth in population, the desire for a world order, the food crisis, combined with the other, is a key factor in the deployment of Chaos. The answer to chaos will be the World Government. In this sense it is interesting that the
Council on Foreign Relations January 31, 2011 states that " In the absence of viable forms of global governance in the production of food and drugs and trade, the risk to public safety is growing around the world. "

La Carestia: Ecco il Cavaliere Nero della Goldman Sachs e il Cavaliere Pallido dell’Apocalisse
Riassunto: La carestia, ora, è una bomba che fa tic-tac. La fame nel mondo sta aumentando, al punto che oggi circa il 15% della popolazione mondiale va a letto senza cena. Ci sono molte spiegazioni, come i cambiamenti climatici, non dovuti ad un inesistente riscaldamento globale. Cresce il sospetto che siano implicate le strutture HAARP di USA e Russia, come viene dichiarato nello studio dell’Aeronautica pubblicato nel 1996, “Le Condizioni Atmosferiche Come Moltiplicatore delle Forze: Possedere il Tempo nel 2025” - che comprende l’uso dell’HAARP.
Inoltre, soprattutto in Africa, si sta verificando un diffuso acquisto/leasing di terreni ad opera di Stati esteri e speculatori privati (Rothschild, George Soros) foreigners, the natives are farmers evicted from their century-old family farms - and agricultural products are exported to markets with higher prices, and the countries of the purchasers of the land. Worldwide bees are dying because of viruses or pesticides. Although the phenomenon has not yet significantly reduced the production of food, is dangerous, because one third of global food production depends on pollination. addition, the bleak outlook for the coming harvest and the weak dollar, increased food prices. Studies show that the production has yet to create problems. With the technology available if it were used, could be 9 billion people fed. No, the problem is that food prices, especially for wheat and maize have doubled in the last 6 months. This has led to rebellions in North Africa (directed by the CIA, ed) - and the discontent in Israel now sees its population. So, is there that Arab governments are trying to keep down the price of food, which can not afford to take much longer. poor is appearing in a strong sense of injustice against dictatorial governments - apparently strongly supported by USA / CIA in Egypt and also from the Muslim Brotherhood . The American Council on Foreign Relations puts it this way: We need a world government to control food supplies; the old gun power of Henry Kissinger (1974 ).
Who is the real force behind the rising price of food? The Bank of Rothschild, Goldman Sachs, who helped Greece with large loans in exchange for its main source of income + 300 million dollars to the bank so that Greece would join the euro in a minor key, had the brilliant idea to buy huge quantities of wheat futures in 3 -6 dollars a bushel. He went on to buy futures and extended so that she and her accomplices possessed 64% of the wheat futures in the United States. They waited while the shock result of the demand in this market artificialmente scarso, ha rialzato il prezzo a 25 dollari per staio. Inoltre hanno introdotto la “replicazione”: Hanno investito i loro enormi guadagni acquisendo così  altro grano, così da poter detenere una quantità di grano, per esempio 100 dollari investendo solo 5 dollari. Con i restanti 95 dollari possono agire in modo simile. E gli Illuminati spietati hanno così guadagnato migliaia di miliardi di dollari alle spalle dei poveri del mondo che non possono permettersi di acquistare i cereali fondamentali. Si ritiene che essi abbiano aggiunto altri 250 milioni di persone al numero degli affamati. Il nucleo degli Illuminati è costituito da devoti seguaci del Talmud, il libro dei Farisei, che invita gli ebrei ad ingannare e uccidere i Cristiani e gli altri goyim - come il Corano, che deve molto al Talmud ( nota: è più corretto affermare che il vertice del potere è composto da Sionisti, Cavalieri di Malta e Gesuiti , n.d.r.). Pertanto, questi governanti auto-nominati del mondo, insieme ai loro tirapiedi, hanno implementato un vasto programma di spopolamento. È in questo contesto che la fame deve essere considerata - oltre ad essere un mezzo di arricchimento personale, agitazione e rivoluzioni, - la quale "Potrà essere fermata solo da un governo mondiale".
Apocalisse 6:5 “Ed ecco, mi apparve un cavallo nero e colui che lo cavalcava aveva una bilancia in mano. 6: 6 E udii gridare una voce in mezzo ai quattro esseri viventi: "Una misura di grano per un danaro e tre misure d'orzo per un danaro!... 6:8 Ed ecco, mi apparve un cavallo pallido : Colui che lo cavalcava si chiamava Morte e gli veniva dietro l'Inferno. Fu dato loro potere sopra la quarta parte della terra per sterminare con la spada, con la fame, con la peste e con death. "
The American Dream: The global climate models have gone haywire in the last 12 months and this is putting enormous pressure on the food system overall was on the verge of a major crisis. stocks of food throughout the world are alarmingly scarce. Start a skirmish right now desperate for food. prices for cereals such as wheat, corn and soia si stanno innalzando nettamente , e l’ONU prevede che continueranno a salire rapidamente nel 2011.

#1 Secondo il Dipartimento dell’Agricoltura americano, le riserve americane di mais raggiungeranno il minimo da 15 anni a questa parte entro la fine del 2011.
#2 Le Nazioni Unite dicono che il prezzo globale del cibo ha raggiunto un nuovo massimo assoluto nel mese di Gennaio.
#3 Il prezzo del grano è raddoppiato negli ultimi sei mesi.

#4 The price of wheat has roughly doubled since mid-2010 .
# 5 According to Forbes, the price of soybeans has risen about 50% since last June.

# 6 The UN suggests that
the overall price of food will increase by another 30% by the end of 2011 .
# 7 For all the unprecedented floods, the winter wheat crops in Australia has been completely devastated.

# 8 This winter, Brazil was hit by one of the worst floods the country has ever seen.
This has severely hampered the production of food in that country.
# 9 Russia, one of the world's largest producers of wheat, still suffers the effects of last summer's scorching temperatures. Indeed it will, in fact, this winter grain imports to feed its cattle herds.
# 10 China has undertaken to prepare for a "serious and long famine that you think will have a huge impact on the provinces. In fact, the Chinese state media say the eastern province of Shandong is facing the worst famine ever in 200 years.
# 11 It seems that Chinese imports of corn are about 9 times higher than the U.S. Department of Agriculture had originally estimated would be in 2011.
# 12
About one billion people worldwide go to bed hungry every night .
# 13 in the world,
every 3.6 seconds a person dies of hunger , and 75% of these people are children under five years.
# 14 Because food has become increasingly scarce in the world, many companies have started using all sorts of "filler" that might come up in their products "food." For example, Raw Story reports that some companies in China are really producing "fake laughed" partially made from plastic . According to an employee of an Association of Chinese restaurants, eat three cups of rice this fake means consuming an entire bag.
Ellen Brown, Kopp Verlag 8 February 2011 : According to the Associated Press, about 40% of people in Egypt live on the poverty line defined by the World Bank, equivalent to less than two dollars a day. According to analysts' estimates, inflation in food prices in Egypt is currently at an unsustainable 17% per year. In poorer countries, people have to spend 60 to 80% of their income on food, compared to 10-20% in developed countries. If the price of a gallon of milk (about 4 liters) or a loaf of bread for the Americans, salt of about a dollar, an increase of the genre, for the people in Egypt and other countries, is to die of hunger.
The consequences of the growing famine
A: Once again, it is postulated that the North African revolutions are due to high food prices and hunger.
B: ANSAmed 10 February 2011 : the face of growing popular discontent with the rising cost of living and a general strike on the horizon, the Israeli prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu announced measures today to reduce the impact of price increases on low-and middle-income families. The cost of living and purchasing power have been heavily hit in recent months against price increases by 10% (for bread) or even to 134% (for water).
C: ANSAmed February 7 2011: The rulers of Arab countries have begun to introduce various measures in an attempt to quell the anger of the people. For example, have increased the cost to contain the energy and food prices. leaders have little room for maneuver because of the national budget deficit and negative projections on the Arab markets.
D: The Council on Foreign Relations February 4, 2011 : Food prices are skyrocketing around the world, and last month reached the highest level when, in 1990, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN has started to index them. in the Middle East grain prices have a role in the current uprising , particularly in Egypt, the largest importer of wheat in the world . Laurie Garrett, the officer emerita del CFR alla salute globale, dice che i prezzi in aumento dei cereali di base nella regione si aggiungono ad “un vero senso di rabbia ed ingiustizia”. La crisi del prezzo del cibo, dice, è “un momento destabilizzante in termini di governo globale ”. All’inizio del 2008 i paesi produttori principali di riso, particolarmente nel sudest asiatico, [hanno deciso] di immagazzinare le loro riserve e di non condividerle nel mercato globale.
So a billion people, ie 15% of humanity, is dying of hunger. Why are food prices rise dramatically?
1. Climate : On being told that the climate exerts immense pressure on global food system that already was on the verge of a massive collapse . Drought in China and Russia, floods in Australia, as has happened many times in the past - not due to a non-existent global warming and here - may be due to the activity of the weapon HAARP ( video ) and here , as claimed by Russian scientists while China has accused the USA of having caused a major earthquake HAARP in Cina. Effettivamente, l’Aeronautica americana ha pubblicato uno studio: “Le Condizioni Atmosferiche Come Moltiplicatore delle Forze: Possedere il Tempo nel 2025” - con l'utilizzo di HAARP. Questo è quanto scrive The Press il 21 Gennaio 2011 : “Il vero scopo dell’HAARP è creare nuove armi di distruzione di massa “per destabilizzare i sistemi ambientali e agricoli nei paesi obbiettivo” . Questo video mostra come apparve il cielo sopra Sichuan per 30 minuti prima del grande terremoto che là si verificò nel 2008 – un fenomeno elettromagnetico che può anche emanare dalla terra . In Messico l’80-100% dei raccolti di riso e vegetali è andato perduto a causa del grande gelo – facendo impennare i prezzi, anche negli USA.
2. L a speculazione delle terre coltivabili : Come è stato descritto in precedenza su questo blog, è in corso un’estesa espropriazione delle terre coltivabili nel da parte di stati come la Libia, la Cina, l’Arabia Saudita ecc. nonché ad opera di speculatori come i Rotschild e il loro agente George Soros .

3. Le api stanno morendo . Quasi un terzo della produzione agricola globale dipende dall’impollinazione animale, in gran misura dalle api ( The Telegraph 6 Febbraio 2011 ). Il prestatore agri-commerciale Rabobank ha detto che il numero delle colonie americane di api che non riesce a sopravvivere ad ogni inverno è aumentato fino al 30-35% rispetto ad una norma storica del 10%. Il tasso è del 20% più elevato di quello europeo, e lo stesso modello sta comparendo in America Latina e in Asia. Non si sa se questo è dovuto a virus o pesticidi. Finora la produzione agricola non è stata gravemente condizionata.
4. Il peggioramento delle previsioni per i raccolti nei principali paesi produttori FAO Novembre 2010 . Un altro importante fattore è stato l’indebolimento del dollaro americano dalla metà di Settembre, che continua a sostenere i prezzi di quasi tutti i beni agricoli e non agricoli del commercio. Come mostrano i grafici della FAO, i l problema non è la produzione in calo , ma l’aumento dei prezzi .
5. Il fattore psicologico The Council on Foreign Relations, 31 Gennaio 2011 : “Se i politici sposano semplicemente l’efficienza del mercato, i sentimenti di ingiustizia dell’opinione pubblica possono causare più problemi dello stesso prezzo volubile del cibo . Per la massima parte, i 700-900 milioni di affamati del pianeta hanno sofferto in silence. "
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, director of the management of the International Monetary Fund, warned of mass dall'inedia and other "dire consequences" that will occur if you allow food prices to rise too: "As we know ... this kind of facts sometimes end in war .
The moral outrage is a common theme in the history of food riots.
How irresponsible speculation Goldman Sachs/Rotschild hanno fatto aumentare i prezzi del 500%
Ellen Brown, Kopp Verlag 8, Febbraio 2011 : In un articolo rivelatore di Harper Magazine, Luglio 2010, Frederick Kaufman ha scritto: “La bolla del cibo: Come Wall Street è riuscita a condurre impunita milioni di persone alla morte per fame”: “Nell’anno 1991 Goldman Sachs ha deciso che il nostro pane quotidiano costituiva un investimento eccellente...
Kaufman ha dichiarato questa innovazione il 16 Luglio in un’intervista al programma radiofonico americano Democracy Now:
1. For Goldman ... was born the idea of \u200b\u200bCommodity Index Fund, so they were able to steal really huge amounts of money ... rather than buy or sell orders, they just started buy, buy, buying grain futures and extend into new futures. this mountain have accumulated unprecedented long futures for wheat . This accumulation has led to a "demand shock" the markets ... In this caso, Goldman e altre banche hanno creato questa domanda del tutto artificiale di grano che ha fatto salire i prezzi. Il Grano Duro rosso è normalmente scambiato a 3/6 dollari a staio. Il prezzo è salito a 25 dollari a staio... Paradossalmente, il 2008 è stato l’anno con il massimo raccolto di grano della storia...
2. L’altra mostruosità è la... “Replicazione” ... Supponiamo che desideriate che io investa per voi nel mercato del grano. Mi mettete in mano 100 dollari... Io dovrei investire questi 100 dollari nel mercato del grano. Ma non è necessario. Basta che ne investa 5... Con quei 5 dollari posso acquistare una posizione da 100 dollari. Quindi ora ho ancora 95 dollari vostri... Goldman e tutte le altre banche hanno investito centinaia di miliardi di dollari in investimenti molto conservativi... e ora che hanno T-Bill (obbligazioni statali che vengono comprate ad un prezzo scontato e sono pagabili alla scadenza) per centinaia of billions of dollars to invest in trillions of dollars ... Then take that trillion dollars, pass it to their dealers and they say: 'Come on, guys. Make it the most profitable business. Thus, while billions of people die of hunger, they use the money to produce billions of dollars for their own accounts .
Right, Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs. Texe Marr September 24, 2009 : The official records of the property indicate that, while much of the stock of Goldman Sachs is owned by the public, a controlling interest is in private hands, owned by a consortium or pool of sun 221 people. The principal owner, however, is Lord Jacob Rothschild , and he and other members of the Rothschild family dominate the consortium that exists on the power of money in the world. Goldman Sachs and its nucleus and the eye the cyclone, and Blankfein is the servant of Lord Rothschild and vice , the fourth Baron Rothschild Dynasty. Mr. Blankfein: "I'm doing God's work." (The Rothschilds are Jesuit court, ed)
He's definitely doing the "Work of God", that is, if we agree with the famous jew German writer and philosopher of the 19th century, Heinrich Heine, who observed appropriately: "Money is the god of the Jews, and Rothschild is his prophet."
Other researchers agree with this explanation for the food crisis. In an article written in July 2010, entitled "How Goldman Sachs is betting to force the world's poor and hungry to win," the noted journalist Johann Hari:
" the end of 2006 began raising the price of food worldwide. A year later, the price of wheat has increased by 80%, maize by 90% and rice by 320%. In more than 30 countries, there were popular uprisings for food, 200 million people were threatened by malnutrition or even starvation. Suddenly, in the spring of 2008, food prices have fallen back to its previous level, as if by magic. Jean Ziegler, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, spoke of a " silent mass murder." Some economists say the increases are caused by the increasing richiesta da parte della classe media in Cina e in India, e dall’uso crescente del mais per la produzione di etanolo. Ma, secondo il Professor Jayati Ghosh del Centro per gli Studi Economici di New Delhi, la richiesta di questi paesi, nello stesso periodo, è addirittura calata del 3%. Il Consiglio Internazionale del Frumento ha detto che la produzione di grano è salita, mentre i prezzi sono stati aumentati . Secondo Kaufman , the bubble of food has increased the number the world's hungry to 250 million .
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on April 16, 2010 - Today, the SEC has accused Goldman, Sachs & Co. and one of its vice presidents of defrauding investors by declaring a false and omitting key facts about a financial product linked to high-risk mortgage loans, when the American market property has started to collapse. The SEC says that Goldman Sachs has structured and marketed a debt instrument issued as a result of a securitization (CDOs), synthetic. Goldman Sachs did not disclose crucial information to investors on CDO. "The product was new and complex, but deception and conflicts are ancient and simple . is assumed ... that investors have lost more than a billion dollars.
But behind the worldwide famine is also the drive towards one-world government
The Council on Foreign Relations January 31, 2011 : In the absence viable forms of global governance nella produzione di cibo e farmaci e nel commercio, il rischio per la sicurezza pubblica cresce in tutto il mondo.
Quindi il problema è la sovrappopolazione del pianeta?
The Independent 18 Gennaio 2011 Dominic Lawson : L’Istituto degli Ingegneri Meccanici ha pubblicato: “La Popolazione: Un Pianeta, Troppe Persone?” .
L’Istituto ha risposto negativamente alla sua stessa domanda. Come ha sottolineato l’autore principale del rapporto, il dottor Tim Fox: “Possiamo accettare la sfida di nutrire un pianeta di 9 miliardi di persone con l’applicazione delle tecnologie esistenti”. Ad esempio, sottolinea il dottor Fox, in Africa non meno della metà del cibo prodotto è distrutto prima di raggiungere il proprio mercato locale: con la refrigerazione e strade buone, il mondo in via di sviluppo potrebbe evitare questo orrendo spreco.
Quest’anno la rivista National Geographic ha fatto della popolazione in proprio argomento. Hania Zlotnik, il direttore United Nations Population Division, who said "We still do not understand why fertility has fallen so quickly in so many societies, cultures and religions. Right now, all I want to say is that there is still a problem high percentage of fertility , and just about 16% the world's population , especially in Africa . "
Tra tutti gli argomenti per una sorta di legislazione globale anti-natalista il più alla moda si presenta sotto forma di una professata preoccupazione per il clima - troppe persone producono troppa CO2 , danneggiando così il pianeta attraverso il cambiamento climatico. Eppure Joel Cohen, il professore di popolazioni presso la Columbia University's Earth Institute, ha detto al National Geographic: “Quelli che dicono che tutto il problema è la popolazione sbagliano. La popolazione non è even the dominant factor .
The merits of Goldman Sachs are numerous and long. A year ago there was evidence that the bank had stolen from Greece large sums in exchange for a credit assured that Greece - in fact insolvent - a fraudulent entry in the Eurozone in exchange of large sums of income of the greek government, over 300 million dollars to the bank! How can I free? Semplicemente, assumete la gente migliore ”, il detto di Carnegie – e questo include l’ex Tesoriere degli Stati Uniti ed ex capo della Goldman Sachs Hank Paulson, che ha arricchito la sua vecchia azienda e i Rotschild con un salvataggio da 13 miliardi di dollari dei contribuenti americani per la sua frode! Gli spietati Illuminati stanno sacrificando l’umanità per arraffare denaro e potere per il loro governo unico mondiale ( qui ) – perseguendo, nello stesso tempo, il loro programma globale di depopolazione ( qui , qui e qui ). E l’umanità sopporta queste 6000 persone super-ricche e i loro tirapiedi, obbedisce alla loro morale corrotta, è loro schiava , muore per loro in Afghanistan, Iraq ecc. È quella la vera miseria dell’umanità. Quando inizieranno a conformarsi al loro slogan: L’Ordine dal Caos? Difficilmente lo faranno prima di aver prodotto il caos totale – per poi costruire il loro facsimile di Agenda 21 , alias 1984 di Orwell, per i pochi sopravvissuti.
Perché gli Illuminati trattano l’umanità in modo così crudele? Gli Illuminati (la dinastia Rotschild e Adam Weishaupt [ Weishaupt fu istruito dai Gesuiti , e, secondo F. Tupper Saussy nel suo libro Rulers of Evil che Weishaupt, egli fu agli ordini del Generale Gesuita Lorenzo Ricci, n.d.r .]) si basano sul Talmud, il libro dei Farisei . Quindi, in realtà, il nucleo degli odierni Illuminati è costituito dai Farisei di oggi . Quello che gli Illuminati stanno facendo è puro Farisaismo : Facts are Facts II : Kidduschim (68a) i Cristiani come il popolo di un asino. Makkoth (7b) Innocenza dell'omicidio se l’intento è di uccidere un Cristiano. Baba Kama (113b) È consentito ingannare i Cristiani. Iore Dea (157, 2) H È possibile ingannare tutti coloro che credono nei principi cristiani. Zohar (I, 160a) Gli Ebrei devono sempre cercare di ingannare i Cristiani. Iore Dea (159, 1) L’usura è permessa ora, per qualsiasi motivo, nei confronti dei Cristiani. Choschen Ham (388, 15) Uccidi tutti coloro che danno ai Cristiani il denaro degli Ebrei; Zohar (I, 25a) i Cristiani saranno distrutti poiché idolatri. Sepher o Israele 177b Se l’Ebreo uccide in Cristiano non commette peccato. Zohar (I, 28b, 39a) Un posto elevato in paradiso per tutti coloro che uccidono gli idolatri ecc.
Pensate che ci siano somiglianze con il Corano? Non stupitevi. Muhammad imparò molto dalle tre pie tribù ebraiche di Medina, prima di scacciarle, ridurle in schiavitù ed assassinarle.

link articolo originale : 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Double Ended Brush Quo

Two articles on HAARP and earthquakes by the official media (national press) global complaints

These two articles show that MPs, politicians and journalists have already reported the fact that earthquakes and other disasters (particularly floods) can be linked to ' HAARP activities, as we suggested in the recent earthquake in Japan March 11. Moreover to create artificial earthquakes there are other means which are equipped armies (even them): nuclear weapons.

The relationship between the outbreak of nuclear bombs and earthquakes see Article Il terremoto in Giappone è stato provocato da un test nucleare? pubblicato sul sito ; pur non condividendo le conclusioni dell'articolo e attribuendo ad HAARP la causa del recente disastro, è interessante notare come già 50 anni fa siano stati creati alcuni sismi artificiali con delle espolosioni nucleari.

Dal quotidiano Il Messaggero di Roma 25 giugno 2002, che riporta una notizia dell'agenzia ANSA. Il grassetto è stato aggiunto dal curatore del blog per evidenziare alcuni passaggi salienti. 


Lo studio degli Ufo (oggetti volanti non identificati) ha permesso agli Stati Uniti di sviluppare una 'superarma' che, come componente principale dello 'scudo spaziale', secondo un esperto russo, consentirà di annientare tutti gli attacchi missilistici e mettere in ginocchio qualsiasi paese, scatenando violenti cambiamenti geofisici .

Stando a quanto dichiarato al quotidiano 'Komsomolskaya Pravda' di oggi dal colonnello Plaksin Alexander, who led the special center of the Russian Defense Ministry devoted to the study of UFOs, dissolved in 1991, the study of UFOs has allowed the Pentagon to create "HAARP Electronic Radar Station into operation in Alaska in 1997" whose 180 antennas are able to develop a capacity of 3.5 million watts of focus and a powerful short-wave emission on the ionosphere . This kind of "global microwave oven," according Plaksin, will be able to "burn" any missile launched against the United States.

In an interview with the newspaper, Colonel said that the HAARP is at the same time a "powerful weapon geophysics' , able to" alter the weather and unforeseeable consequences as the change of the magnetic poles of the planet, triggering volcanic eruptions and floods planetary .
"With the help dell'HAARP the United States will be able to bring down any country," said Plaksin.

The center of the Russian Defense Ministry to study the UFO phenomenon was created in 1979 and closed in 1991 for economic reasons
Article taken from Mirko Molteni "La Padania" 15:16 June 2003. The bold was added by the editor of the blog to highlight some salient passages.

Russians and Chinese denounce: the time for conditioning experiments.

The HAARP project
"Technology is like a pair of magic shoes at the foot of a mechanical doll humanity. After the spring has been charged by commercial interests, people can only dance, whirling wildly to the rhythm that the shoes themselves have established. " These words are effective from the book "War without limits," wrote Two Chinese air force colonels, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiansui. In the text the two Chinese military will examine the impact of new technologies on strategic thinking on terrorism and on all matters concerning the war in the twenty-first century. Twice they mention the possibility that a country could artificially trigger the forces of nature, using them as "non-traditional weapons" to cripple the enemy. For example, disrupting the climate and the conditions of the rains. All this sounds like science fiction, but Qiao and Wang have perhaps the reason of the inclusion of "ecological war" between the 24 forms of conflict they are listed.

invisible threat

Well January 15, 2003, the site of Pravda hosted a disturbing article, authored by Representative Ukrainian Yuri Solomatin, in expressing concern for the experiments conducted by Americans in Alaska, where from 1994 is leading the HAARP, High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, that is "active auroral research program with high frequency." In practice, a huge forest of masts erected in the middle of the North American boreal forest. Solomatin Ukraine has sought to draw attention to a problem already raised by the Russians. Those antennas are perhaps the prototype of a weapon "geophysics" American, able to influence the climate of continents with microwave altering the temperature or humidity? The Ukrainian deputy gives credence to the suspicion that natural disasters which have intensified recently are to be attributed to more frequent testing of the HAARP system. Even in Germany, last year's floods have seemed to someone too disastrous. So two German journalists, Grazyna Fosar Bludorf and Franz, they envisioned in their article, published in issue 120 of the bimonthly "Raum und Zeif" that the cyclones and flooding that have bent Central Europe can be linked all'HAARP. Russia had raised the alarm about a year ago. As reported by the Interfax news agency on 8 August 2002, some 90 parliamentarians from the Duma in Moscow had signed an appeal addressed to the UN which called for the banning of these electromagnetic experiment. A month later had risen to 220 Russian deputies in favor of the appeal. On the other hand there was a report accusing the Duma explicitly America. Plain words and inconvenient "Under the HAARP program, the U.S. is creating new weapons geophysical integrali, che possono influenzare gli elementi naturali con onde radio ad alta frequenza. Il significato di questo salto qualitativo è comparabile al passaggio dall’arma bianca alle armi da fuoco, o dalle armi convenzionali a quelle nucleari» . 

La parola agli americani

Il sito ufficiale ci presenta un’innocente stazione scientifica dove gli scienziati sondano via radio quelle regioni dell’alta atmosfera preannuncianti lo spazio esterno, cioè la ionosfera e la magnetosfera. The headings of the site are also explanatory written mo 'questions ("What is HAARP?" "Because it involved the Department of Defense?", Etc..) In the paragraph titled "HAARP is unique?" We is quick to point out that other nations are studying the ionosphere, the same as Russia or European countries (plus Japan) consortium EISCAT, even though their equipment, site in Tromsoe in Norway, are the radar "incoherent." But let's get the details. At Gakona, about 200 km north-east of the Gulf of Prince William, land owned by the Department of Defense USA October 18, 1993 was chosen by officials from the Air Force and from the following year was littered with aluminum pillars 22 meters high, whose number has grown from year to year until you get to 180. Each of these pillars door double crossed dipole antennas, one for the "low band" from 2.8 to 7 megahertz and the other for "high bandwidth" from 7 to 10 megahertz. These antennas are capable of transmitting high-frequency waves to a height of 350km, due to their great power. When fully operational, the plant requires 3.6 megawatts (the capacity of 100 cars), secured by six generators powered by four engines diesel by 3600 horsepower each. Official purpose of these facilities is to study the ionosphere to improve telecommunications. As we know, this layer is composed of thin material in the plasma state, that is, charged particles (ions), and has the ability to reflect radio waves toward the ground, especially at night. 'S why, for example, that at night we can hear on the radio AM stations in many foreign countries, since the ionospheric reflection allows signals to bypass the curvature of the earth.

Wars airwaves

Secondo lo stesso principio è plausibile che le irradiazioni delle antenne HAARP possano rimbalzare fino a colpire gli strati bassi dell’atmosfera sopra un Paese distante migliaia di chilometri. Ed interferire quindi con i fenomeni meteorologici. Certamente si tratta di mere ipotesi. Comunque, un uso militare dell’HAARP è ammesso dalla Federazione Scienziati Americani. Un uso, tuttavia, non distruttivo, ma solo di ricognizione. Modulando i segnali in frequenze bassissime, cioè onde ELF o VLF, si potrebbe «vedere ciò che succede nel sottosuolo, individuando bunker, silos di missili, e altre installazioni sotterranee di Been adverse. Beyond that, the "ecological war" seems terribly possible for more than twenty years. Already in 1976 the Soviet Military Encyclopedia ventilate the risk that the United States, electromagnetically or by space travel, could change the climate of Eurasia tearing the ozone layer over the USSR. The Soviet Union agreed with the U.S. because it was forbidden the use of environmental climate change. At the UN, this was reaffirmed by the Convention ENMOD (Environmental Medifications), which entered into force October 5, 1978. But a few years later, in the United, the scientist considered the father dell'HAARP openly trying out a system to monitor the weather phenomena. The August 11, 1897 Dr. Bernard Eastlund Patented number of "driving" his 4,686,605 "Method and apparatus for altering a region of the atmosphere, the ionosphere or magnetosphere.

Tesla's Ghost

is said Eastlund, a physicist at MIT was inspired by the work of the genius Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), Yugoslav scientist who emigrated to America in 1884. At Tesla we found many which made possible the expansion of electricity, especially the three-phase alternating current (while Edison was still perched on the current). He had also attempted to develop a system of energy transmission over the air, which would have rendered unnecessary cables, and a device to get free electricity for all derived from the natural oscillation of the electric field of the Earth. When Tesla died on January 8, 1943, FBI agents hunted all his projects, on which the fabled long. On the other hand the same Tesla had even spoken of death rays, effective until 320 km away.
do not know exactly what is going on in the projects of Dr. Tesla. Eastlund and nell'HAARP. The fact is that in the nineties Eastlund founded his own company, Eastlund Scientific Enterprise, that among the activities mentioned on its website includes both participation in the HAARP program, as an explicit research into weather modification. What can I say? Returning to the book by Qiao Liang and Wang Xiansui, it is to shudder their sentences, " using methods that cause earthquakes and changing rainfall, temperature and atmospheric composition, the level the sea and the characteristics of sunlight will damage the physical environment of the earth or create alternative local ecology. Perhaps, soon, a man-made effect El Nino will become a superweapon in the hands of certain nations and / or non-state organizations. "

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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